How do we manage sustainability at SEBIR?

At SEBIR, we not only excel at drawing special steels, we also stand out for our commitment to sustainability and environmentally responsible industrial waste management. Read on to find out how we do it.

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Meeting the challenge: integrated waste management

Located in our facilities, we have a state-of-the-art industrial treatment plant for the treatment of all the water that is polluted in the chemical treatment plant. Thus, by means of physical-chemical processes, we are able to reduce the concentration of pollutants in the water to well below the discharge limits established by the public administration.

During our chemical pickling and phosphating surface treatment process, we generate four main types of waste, which we manage with a focus on industrial waste management. These are detailed below:

Ferrous chloride

Known as ferrous chloride, it is a product formed during pickling with hydrochloric acid by the following reactions

Fe2O3 + 6HCl to 2FeCl3 + H2O

Fe2O4 + 8HCl à FeCl2 + 2FeCl3 + 4H2O

FeO + 2HCl à FeCl2 + H2O

This product is responsibly managed and treated by an external waste management company.

Phosphate sludge

In this case, phosphate sludge is a residue with a solid consistency, formed in our phosphate tank by the following reaction:

2Fe2+ + 4H2PO4- + O à 2FePO4 . 2H2O + 2H3PO4

We treat this product externally with a waste manager. However, it should be noted that we are embarking on a project to try to revalorise this product.

Sewage sludge

Thirdly, sewage sludge is classified as solid waste that is formed in our sewage treatment plant and comes from the treatment of wastewater. By means of thickening agents, we manage to separate the metal ions from the water, which are decanted in the form of flocs and pressed to form sludge.

These sludges are mainly iron and zinc oxides. At present, they are also taken care of and treated by a waste manager. However, we are in the process of developing innovative projects to revalorise this waste, reflecting our commitment to the circular economy and industrial waste management.

Wastewater from external treatment

Finally, there is wastewater from external treatment. This is liquid waste from the cleaning of chemical plants. As this is contaminated water, it is managed by a specialist waste manager to ensure safe and responsible treatment.

Towards a sustainable future

Thanks to our efficient waste segregation, the treated water meets all established discharge parameters, allowing us to reintroduce it into the environment without any negative impact. This is just one step in SEBIR’s journey towards a more sustainable future. Our next goal is to deepen our research into the reappraisal of the waste we generate, opening up new avenues for innovation in sustainability.

Are you ready to join us on this sustainable journey? Contact us to find out how we can make a difference together.